Video: Balancing devotion to the greater good with nurturing & protecting workforce
Healthcare organizations have had an extra helping of pressure over the last two years – providers performed heroically to deal with the coronavirus caseload, staff and financial shortfalls, changes in care delivery, and more.
As performance pressure grows, there may be little attention paid to organizational culture. But that focus is precisely what’s needed to pay long-term dividends in healthcare IT departments, and more broadly, for the organization overall. Galen balances that devotion to the greater good with an emphasis on nurturing and protecting its 100-plus workforce. “We always try to keep in mind that (our staff) are living their own lives, and we’ve got to manage that, that work-life balance,” says Steve Brewer, CEO of Galen Healthcare. “We’re in a company where we have people raising families and putting kids through school and doing all sorts of neat things in their community, in addition to the work they’re doing for our clients. So from that standpoint, culture is the key.”
Watch this interview between Steve Brewer, CEO of Galen Healthcare, Adam Gale, CEO of KLAS Research, and Fred Bazzoli, Editor-in Chief of Health Data Management as they consider the future of workforce in healthcare and the organizational principles that can not only attract the right team members, but help them stay. Read the article
Best in KLAS leaders share success principles - BEYOND THE RANKINGS
EPIC Systems:
Where will healthcare be in 2 years…20 years? Epic’s Judy Faulkner shares insights.
The Chartis Group:
Purpose, impact, respect, caring – those who work for it have value to contribute back to the world
Provider/vendor partnership – not 50-50 split but each 100% committed.
Galen Healthcare Solutions:
Culture is king when counteracting healthcare’s workforce challenges
Best in KLAS Report
2022 Best in KLAS Awards - Software and Professional Services