ONC Makes Web Site More User-Friendly

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology has made finding information on its Web site easier.

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology has made finding information on its Web site easier.

The new Policymakers and Researchers section gives quick access to Stage 2 meaningful use information including the rules, ONC data briefs, information on events such as roundtables, federal advisory committees, certified health information technology product lists, links to HITECH-funded programs, and an expanded grid layout of the final Stage One meaningful use and electronic health records certification rules.

The Stage 1 meaningful use grid has five columns with boxes listing each objective and associated measure (with exclusions), certification criteria for ambulatory and inpatient EHRs, applicable standards, and links to applicable frequently asked questions and meaningful use specifications. The boxes also include specific sections of the law and the Federal Register page number for objectives, measures and criteria.

More information is available in a recent blog from Steven Posnak, director of ONC’s federal policy division.