Improving the clinician & care team experience – Episode 2
With a perspective from the clinician and patient relationship, working backward ensures optimal data governance, structure, and aggregation to optimize data sharing and drive the best outcomes for patients and caregivers.
Featured in this episode

Episode Summary
The Current State of clinician and care team experience – data access asymmetry
Clinicians struggle to access information meant to serve them. Ideally, data should improve their connections with patients, improve care quality, increase efficiency, and optimize episodes of care as promised through EHR policy mandates and technological advances.
A relationship of asymmetry exists, however, between the access to data clinicians have and the information systems put in place to help them. And, as much as we would like to blame the data warehouses and integrators of the data, the responsibility for this imbalance of access to data falls on the shoulders of the stakeholders deciding what and when data is integrated, analyzed and provided to clinicians.
HDM and KLAS Research engage with healthcare leaders who are successfully addressing this imbalance. With a perspective from the clinician and patient relationship, working backward ensures optimal data governance, structure, and aggregation to optimize data sharing and drive the best outcomes for patients and caregivers.
Hear key lessons – people, process, technology – from organizations taking the lead and offering principles for success they've adopted. Learn how to apply them within your organization.
What to expect from the HDM KLASroom
- help you identify the stewards of data integration, sharing, and interpretation impacting your end-to-end patient care delivery.
- share processes and workflows are changing within organizations making the best progress towards curating, accessing, and sharing the right data.
- explore technologies, processes, and personnel currently being applied to help govern data and sift the good from the bad; offer lessons you can apply.

On-demand sessions
Session 1
Session (E2S1): Interoperability current state and the voice of the clinician
As we consider the clinician’s experience within the context of ‘Starting with the end in mind’ then its logical to consider the start being a framework that can be followed to ensure that the right stewards are identified, the right processes created, and the right data is being connected and utilized to help caregivers gain insights that will enable them to deliver the best care to patients. Today this complex activity defined at interoperability can leave out one of the most important voices, the clinicians’. Dr Steven Lane from Sutter Health and Coray Tate from KLAS Research discuss the current state of interoperability and share principles of success that can help bring the voice of the clinician into crucial interoperability decisions.
Understand the current state of interoperability today and efforts key organizations are endeavoring to capture interoperability wins. Learn the key roles clinicians can take to help their institutions drive interoperability forward. And, hear what steps IT, clinical and administrative teams can take to include clinicians' voices and move toward better action through the following questions.
- What data do we need?
- From whom do we need it?
- Are we taking full advantage of the connectivity and functionality given to us?
- To whom and how do we advocate getting the data we need?
- Are we investing in the resources of know-how and experience to make interoperability work.
Sutter Health: Steven R. Lane, MD, MPH, FAAFP, FAMIA, Clinical Informatics Director, Privacy, Information Security & Interoperability
KLAS Research: Coray Tate, Vice President, Core Solutions and Interoperability
HDMgroup: Mitchell Josephson, Chief Executive Officer
Session 2
Session (E2S2): Starting to understand TEFCA and the impact on Clinicians
So much of the work around interoperability will have a downstream effect on clinicians. In this episode we will discuss the current state of the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) and what it likely means for national networks, providers, technology vendors, and entities seeking to be designated as Qualified Health Information Networks (QHINs).
Learning Objectives
- Understand the current state of the Trusted Exchange Framework, Common Agreement - Version 1, published by The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).
- Know how TEFCA is going to change how providers and other organizations will share healthcare data.
- Discover what providers and other organizations need to know to select which QHIN will be the best for them to participate in.
NextGen Healthcare: Muhammad Chebli, Vice President, Solutions
NextGen Healthcare: Chris Emper, Regulatory Advisor
HDMgroup: Mitchell Josephson, Chief Executive Officer
Session 3
Session (E2S3): The Impact of Healthcare Delivery M&A on the Clinician Experience: EHR Conversion Data Governance
As healthcare delivery organizations connect, merge, and acquire, a major consideration is legacy data management. Historical data is imperative to providing patient care, and legacy data must be converted to the new system or archived to ensure continuity of care. Conversion of legacy data is contingent upon mapping source system clinical data elements to target system equivalents. Unfortunately, native EHR vendors often fall short with regards to semantic management, and, as a result, semi or full automation of dictionary, nomenclature and ontology mapping suggestions as part of data conversion is critical to reduce manual effort and invaluable to deliver continuity of care for clinicians. This panel will explore topics including clinical data conversion mapping techniques, converted data reconciliation and impact on workflows, and the dependencies to ensure clinical decision support capabilities are maintained as part of EHR conversion.
- Learn the key questions that need to be asked before, and during a data migrations in order to end with great outcomes for clinicians and patience.
- Learn three key principles that need to be applied in order to bring the right stakeholders together to ensure a successful data migration.
- Learn which data elements matter most and how far back should be brought over when migrating data e.g., audit data, regulatory data, patient relational data, etc.
Reliant Medical Group: Larry Garber, MD, Medical Director, Informatics and Associate Medical Director of Research
Galen Healthcare Solutions: August Borie, Principal Technical Consultant
HDMgroup: Mitchell Josephson, Chief Executive Officer
Session (E2S4): Wins from an HIE point of view
With each generation, the world becomes smaller, not only virtually, but physically as travel across state, national, and political lines becomes easier. With that, the need for clinicians and care teams to have the right data on the right patient at the right time becomes more important yet complex. Join Lisa Bari, CEO of Civitas Networks for Health and David Kendrick, MD, MPH, CEO of MyHealth Access Network as they discuss how a national network of HIEs are helping clinicians to cross state and political lines to capture real time information to drive a Patient Centered Data Home (PCDH).
Learning objectives:
- Understand the current state of HIEs and how far the national infrastructure of HIE stretches. Strengths and limitations.
- Learn how the community of HIEs are helping in patient centered care coordination, care or case management, and transition of care planning.
- Participants will learn the core success principles driving current structure, regional gateway connections and plans to scale the network across the country to incorporate new use cases.
MyHealth Access Network: David Kendrick, MD, MPH, Chief Executive Officer
Civitas: Lisa Bari, MBA, MPH, Chief Executive Officer
Learn more about the full series The HDM KLASroom - Improving Clinician & Care Team Experiences