Improving the clinician & care team experience – Episode 1
This introductory session frames up these challenges of optimizing the clinical environment and how best to address strategies for improvement.
Featured in this episode

Episode summary
The Current State of clinician and care team experience – a quagmire of asymmetry
Healthcare professionals experience many frustrations when it comes to using digital systems in their day-to-day practice of medicine and providing care. But perhaps the most maddening aspects are the tremendous promise those systems have and the disappointing returns caregivers have experienced. This asymmetry is obvious to most doctors, nurses, and care professionals – the inability to access relevant information in the midst of workflow; the lack of interoperability and access among systems; and the lack of ongoing, contextual training that keeps many in healthcare from optimizing the use of available systems. A few super-user clinicians can brag about what they can do with their IT mastery, while most find the processes inefficient and unrewarding.
This introductory session frames up these challenges and how best to address them. Who in the organization is responsible for acknowledging and addressing these challenges? And where is the most logical place to begin the research and solution process?
What to expect from the HDM KLASroom
- frame the current challenges and share best practices to address them.
- share success stories from peers and help guide you to recognize who in your organization is responsible for acknowledging and addressing the challenges.
- give you supporting research and guidance for the most logical places to impact and optimize processes to achieve better outcomes for clinicians and patients.

On-demand sessions
Session 1
Session (E1S1): The digital impact on care delivery
The digital impact on care delivery will only increase both in scale and magnitude, creating an ever-increasing learning curve for clinicians as they seek better care for their patients. What principles can leaders apply to help create better clinician and care team experiences; creating environments where caregivers have more autonomy, empowerment, and purpose? In this session learn what it takes to create support systems and trust between care teams, the organization, and the technologies deployed to deliver better care in an ever-evolving healthcare and technology landscape.
- What creates a dichotomy of experiences among clinicians and care teams when it comes to utilizing, mastering, and optimizing technologies.
- Principles to apply in your organization that will help you move from a bottom quartile relationship among care teams and their digital care tools to a top quartile relationship.
- How you can apply these principles in new and complex situations, as well as within your unique organizational structure.
OrthoVirginia: H. C. Eschenroeder, Jr., MD, FAAOS, Chief Medical Information Officer
OrthoVirginia: Katie Brown, Provider Support Manager
KLAS Research: Jason Hess, Executive Vice President, Provider Success
Health Data Management: Mitchell Josephson, CEO
Session 2
Session (E1S2): Reduce variance, increase reliability and manage through governance
Clinicians and care teams are getting over tooled, and the imbalance of technology overload to efficiency ratio is growing. This session highlights 4 critical principles of success when trying to reduce the number of tools and deploy software to improve clinicians’ communication experiences.
- How to improve reliability by removing variance and applying governance
- The power of consultative deployments
- Creating a continual improvement cycle for creating efficiencies for care teams
- Identifying opportunities to optimize your organization’s tech stack
Bon Secours Mercy Health: Susan E. Armentrout, Vice President, Nursing Informatics and Evidence-Based Practice
PerfectServe: Kelly Conklin, Senior Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer
Session 3
Session (E1S3): A matter of trust: AI and the clinical experience
AI was identified as the most exciting emerging technology in health care in each of the past two “Top of Mind for Top Health Systems” research reports published by the Center for Connected Medicine (CCM). The technology is often heralded for its potential to improve patient care, reduce the administrative burden on physicians, and bring greater efficiencies to hospital operations.
Despite this potential, adoption across health care has been limited when it comes to improving patient care. While there are myriad reasons for this, the Top of Mind research identified a lack of trust and buy-in, especially by physicians, as the biggest challenge facing AI in health care. This is a critical area for health care technology leaders to address if AI is to have a meaningful impact on the industry.
With this background in mind, this discussion explores how health care leaders and AI experts can help build trust in AI, and other new technologies.
- The view of AI’s potential to improve clinician and care team experiences. What about outcomes for patients?
- Areas where AI technology is becoming commonplace and what has led to clinicians trusting its use?
- The role technology companies should have in bringing AI to health care
- The potential for bias in algorithms diminishing trust in the technology and how to overcome that bias
UPMC: Oscar Marroquin, MD, FACC, Chief Healthcare Data and Analytics Officer
Emory University School of Medicine: Judy Wawira Gichoya, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology
UPMC Enterprises & the Center for Connected Medicine: Alex Nixon, Senior Research Analyst
Session 4
Session (E1S4): Addressing clinical inequity to improve equity for all
This session will feature a discussion on health equity from the clinician’s perspective. Our educators will explore what it means to create and sustain an equitable technological environment for clinical care teams. We’ll share guiding principles and success factors that leading organizations employ to create an equitable technological structure that fully supports all clinicians.
Divurgent : Shane Danaher, Chief Operating Officer
HDMgroup: Mitchell Josephson, Chief Executive Officer
Session 5
Session (E1S5): You have access to data, what does it mean?
Clinicians are surrounded by data, but what does it all mean? This session features a physician informaticist and a senior tech leader discussing data quality, semantics, and taxonomy in the current clinician and care team experience state. They will share usable and accessible tools that will help your organization achieve small wins over time that turn into big wins and better clinical experiences.
Allegheny Health Network: John Lee, MD, Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Information Officer
Intelligent Medical Objects: Dale Sanders, Chief Strategy Officer
HDMgroup: Mitchell Josephson, Chief Executive Officer