10 major challenges for provider use of healthcare IT
Digital innovation, high expectations will keep HIT execs busy over the next 5 years, Gartner says.
10 major challenges for provider use of healthcare IT

A new report from Gartner covers 10 predictions for 2019 through 2023, primarily covering three effects of continuing digital innovation, including artificial intelligence and skills, cultural advancement and processes becoming products.
“Organizations can turn continuous change into an asset if they sharpen their vision to see the future coming ahead of the change,” says Daryl Plummer, a Gartner distinguished vice president and analyst. Here is a look at the near future.
Consumers ignore security breaches

Through 2021, social media scandals and security will effectively have zero lasting consumer impact as the benefits of using technology outweigh security and privacy concerns. While users believe technology companies should be regulated, most continue using digital services, and despite the breaches, companies make very little changes following a breach.
AI skills don’t scale

Through 2020, 80 percent of AI projects will remain a transformation process, run by wizards whose talents will not scale in the organization.
Diversity drives financial targets

Through 2022, 75 percent of organizations with frontline decision-making teams reflecting a diverse and inclusive culture will exceed their financial targets. Providers should work toward a focus on different types of diversity and emphasize inclusivity. Business and human resources leaders should co-develop the policies.
Personal data poisons blockchain

By 2022, three-quarters of public blockchains will suffer privacy poisoning, which is inserted personal data that renders the blockchain non-compliant with privacy laws.
Gatekeepers gain market share

By 2022, companies leveraging the “gatekeeper” position of the digital giants will capture 40 percent global market share on average in their industry. These companies control vast economic ecosystems and with increasing connections and users will gain even more market share.
Cloud spawns new products

Through 2022, a fast path to digital will be converting internal capabilities to external revenue-generating products using cloud economics and flexibility. Internal IT teams looking to market unique capabilities haven’t been able to for economic, technical and marketing reasons. Cloud services firms, however, solve many of these challenges. As providers start to see digital revenue from marketing internal tools, others will follow suit.
Privacy laws cripple ad sales

By 2023, e-privacy regulations will increase online costs by minimizing the use of “cookies,” which will cripple the current Internet ad revenue machine. More legislation protecting consumer data will impede the current Internet advertising infrastructure and its major players, which includes the healthcare industry as privacy laws require patient informed consent.
Artificial intelligence locates missing persons

By 2023, there will be an 80 percent reduction in missing people in mature markets compared with today because of the availability of AI face recognition. This will be particularly useful in finding lost children and elderly persons.
Virtual care improves health

By 2023, virtual healthcare (telehealth) will have demonstrated it can give more convenient and cost-effective care than conventional face-to-face treatment. Clinician shortages, in addition to an increased focus on outcomes, coordinated care and population health, drive a push to more efficient and effective care models as virtual care lowers costs and improves quality of delivery and access to care.
Curbing cyber bullying

By 2023, a quarter of healthcare organizations will require employees to sign affidavits to avoid cyber bullying, but 70 percent of these programs will fail. To curb bullying will require a shift in organizational culture and providers should start now to train employees to recognize and report cyber bullying.