Messaging Vendor Guarantees HIPAA Compliance

Secure messaging software vendor TigerText is guaranteeing $1 million in protection against fines because of violations of HIPAA security rule technical safeguards that result from using its product.

Secure messaging software vendor TigerText is guaranteeing $1 million in protection against fines because of violations of HIPAA security rule technical safeguards that result from using its product.

TigerText is offering on its Web site a 10-page HIPAA Compliance Statement that lists technical, administrative and physical safeguarding criteria in HIPAA, as well as comments from the vendor on its services to meet the criteria.

The statement highlights its $1 million guarantee. “TigerText is confident that it meets all HIPAA compliance standards and it will compensate an organization for up to one million dollars against fines resulting from violations of HIPAA’s technical safeguards that may be incurred as a result of sending and receiving confidential information via the TigerText App. For terms and conditions, please visit



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